1. Monasteries and society in the British Isles in the later Middle Ages /
Author: edited by Janet Burton and Karen Stöber.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Monastic and religious life-- Great Britain-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Kloster.,Monastic and religious life-- Middle Ages.,Mönchtum,RELIGION-- Institutions & Organizations.,RELIGION-- Monasticism.,Great Britain.,Großbritannien, 7, 7
Classification :

2. Monastic and religious orders in Britain, 1000-1300 /
Author: Janet Burton.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Monasticism and religious orders-- Great Britain-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Monachisme et ordres religieux-- Grande-Bretagne-- Histoire-- 600-1500 (Moyen Âge),Monachisme et ordre religieux-- Grande-Bretagne-- Histoire-- 600-1500 (Moyen Age),Monachisme et ordres religieux chrétiens-- Grande-Bretagne-- Moyen âge.,Monasticism and religious orders-- Middle Ages.,Religieuze orden.,Great Britain, Church history, 1066-1485.,Great Britain, Church history, Medieval period, 1066-1485.,Grande-Bretagne, Histoire religieuse, 1066-1485.,Grande-Bretagne, Histoire religieuse, 1066-1500.,Great Britain., 0, 4, 6, 7, 7
Classification :

3. Religious and laity in western Europe, 1000-1400 :
Author: edited by Emilia Jamroziak and Janet Burton.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Benefactors-- Europe-- History-- To 1500.,Church history-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Laity-- Catholic Church-- History-- To 1500.,Laity-- Europe-- History-- To 1500.,Monasticism and religious orders-- Europe-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Benefactors.,Church history-- Middle Ages.,Laie.,Laity-- Catholic Church.,Laity.,Monasticism and religious orders-- Middle Ages.,Mönchtum.,Patronage.,Europe.,Westeuropa., 7, 7
Classification :

4. Researching conflict, drama and learning :
Author: John O'Toole, Dale Bagshaw, Bruce Burton, Anita Grünbaum, Margret Lepp, Morag Morrison, Janet Pillai.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Conflict management-- Research-- Study and teaching.,Ethnic conflict.,Social conflict.,Ethnic conflict.,Social conflict.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- General.
Classification :

5. The regular canons in the medieval British Isles /
Author: edited by Janet Burton and Karen Stöber.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Augustinian Canons-- Great Britain-- History-- To 1500,Augustinian Canons.,Church history-- 12th century, Congresses.,Monastic and religious life-- Great Britain-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500, Congresses.,Monasticism and religious orders-- Great Britain-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500, Congresses.,Church history.,Monastic and religious life-- Middle Ages.,Monasticism and religious orders-- Middle Ages.,Great Britain, Church history, 1066-1485, Congresses.,Great Britain., 0, 7
Classification :

6. Thirteenth century England XI.
Author: edited by Björn Weiler, Janet Burton, Phillipp Schofield, Karen Stöber.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: HISTORY-- Medieval.,HISTORY.,Great Britain, History, 13th century, Congresses.,Great Britain., 0, 7
Classification :

7. Women in the medieval monastic world /
Author: edited by Janet Burton and Karen Stöber.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Monastic and religious life of women-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Monasticism and religious orders for women-- History-- Middle Ages, 600-1500.,Monastic and religious life of women-- Middle Ages.,Monasticism and religious orders for women-- Middle Ages.
Classification :